Copenhagen Capacity Workspace_Ty Stange at Bloxhub


We're teaming up with partners across sectors to secure Denmark and the Greater Copenhagen Region's competitive edge.

To ensure Denmark’s growth, we lead and collaborate on multiple projects to attract international talent and foreign companies to Denmark and the Greater Copenhagen Region.

Science Hub Denmark Science Hub Denmark aims to boost international awareness of Danish research and career opportunities within Biosolutions, Neuroscience and Power-to-X.
MORE project: Empowering Danish Healthcare The MORE project is a research project designed to find interventions that can become “best practices” for recruiting, unbiased selection, onboarding, and retention of international nursing/healthcare personnel. The project is led by Kong Frederiks Center for Offentlig Ledelse ved Aarhus Universitet, and is supported by the Carlsberg Foundation.
Gaming Competencies for Greater Copenhagen The "Gaming Competencies for Greater Copenhagen" project seeks to strenghten the Greater Copenhagen gaming industry by enhancing access to essential skills and competencies. A collaborative effort between Denmark and Sweden, to foster educational growth and attract global talent for the gaming industry.
Choose Europe A unique collaboration uniting 14 dynamic European city and regional International Promotion Agencies (IPAs) with a shared mission: showcasing and magnifying the potential for foreign direct investment (FDI) across our partner cities and regions
Quickguide for companies Developing a digital tool that guides companies on how to break down barriers towards hiring international employees.
Talent to a Green Denmark Accelerating the Green Transition by attracting and retaining highly qualified internationals.
EU Talent Hub Strengthening retention and EU mobility of skilled migrants through collaborative multi-country coordination within the EU.
Lighthouse: South Jutland Branding South Jutland as an attractive, green career destination and attracting Danish and international graduates and professionals within the green transition sector.
Lighthouse: Life Science Promoting the Capital Region as a lighthouse and leader in Life Science to find solutions for curing obesity.
Lighthouse: Fehmarn Creating awareness in Europe’s Skilled Labour Market that Denmark is a great place to work and relocate to. Attracting applicants for specific skilled labour jobs and companies and gathering leads for a nurture flow of professional candidates.
Greater Copenhagen: Green Deal The campaign lists open jobs in leading companies with strong focus on the sustainability agenda. All companies are based in the Greater Copenhagen region, which spans from Eastern Denmark to the Southern Sweden.
NAVA The Nordic Asian Venture Alliance (NAVA) seeks to increase the flow of East Asian venture capital into the Nordic Baltic region, both as direct investments into startups and new partnerships between Nordic VC’s and East Asian LP’s.
Skilled Labour Branding Denmark as an attractive place for skilled labour from EU countries, by running a talent attraction campaign. Collaborating with Danish businesses to answer their need for international skilled labour.
Greater Copenhagen Microbiome This project seeks to build on the Medicon Valley cluster’s strengths by positioning it as a global centre for microbiome research.
Project Onboard Denmark Helping small and medium-sized enterprises to better onboarding international talent.
Talent to Denmark Facilitating contact between companies located in Denmark and qualified international candidates interested in pursuing a career in Denmark.
Headstart Supporting local companies in attracting and retaining international talent and informing international professionals about living in the region and finding a job.
Greater Copenhagen International Marketing Consortia Marketing collaboration between Copenhagen Capacity and Invest in Skåne to brand and promote the Greater Copenhagen Region as a great place to live, work and do business.
Copenhagen is for you Creating a strong sustainable brand for Copenhagen.
Photo by:  Ty Strange ©