International Press Releases
Danish public sector, academia and life science companies join forces to tackle our most persistent health issues
Jan 16, 2023 Denmark’s leading life science companies, public foundations, municipalities, universities and hospitals will work together to position Copenhagen as the world capital of life science under the Copenhagen Life Science partnership launching today. Tackling obesity is just the first step in this public-private partnership to ensure equality in health, inspiring the world to follow its steps.In 2022, the Danish government invested 82 million Danish Kroner (11.7 million US dollars) to strengthen and promote the Capitals Life Science Sector. This initiative aims to shed light on the unique framework of Denmark’s culture of cross-sector collaboration, making it a frontrunner in developing solutions for global problems. More often than not, the country’s world-renowned public hospitals cooperate with academia and private companies, easing the process of developing treatments and new health technological solutions. This fact makes the life sector in the country an attractive destination for international business in the field.
Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen, the CEO of Novo Nordisk, shares his experience with the culture of transparency between the public and private sectors.
The Capital Region of Denmark is home to one of the strongest life science clusters in the world. In a world where societies are facing increasing challenges from the burden of chronic diseases and pressure on health systems, we need to build trustful partnerships between public and private partners to develop new solutions to complex societal challenges, such as obesity. Denmark is a small country, and we have a deep-rooted trust between the sectors. When you combine that with a public healthcare system this is a perfect test lab to develop unique, innovative solutions together – and scale to other disease areas and countries.
The Capital Region of Denmark comprises the world’s largest pharmaceutical corporations, life science hubs, and highly ranked universities. Its life science sector accounts for over 20 precent of Danish exports in 2021 and 1 percent of the country’s private workforce. Denmark’s small scale makes it the perfect destination to develop and test new Life Science solutions. The life science sector depends on more highly qualified professionals and global companies to innovate and export these essential treatments for humanity’s persistent illnesses, with obesity being the first focus area.
Trine Winterø, The Vice-Dean of Copenhagen University Health Faculty, addresses the research capacity and how partnerships create possibilities to bring science-based solutions to market and healthcare.
The excellent universities and university colleges in Denmark provide research, education, and innovations for tomorrow’s evidence-based products for the global healthcare sector. This partnership provides a strong vehicle for securing flow of knowledge and competences between sectors and creates the foundation for scalable solutions for the future.
To stand out on the global stage and support Denmark’s life science industry, Copenhagen Capacity, Wonderful Copenhagen, and Danish Life Science Cluster will work together to promote Copenhagen as a life science capital under the Copenhagen Life Science partnership. They will run international campaigns highlighting the city’s liveability alongside its innovative life science industry. Additionally, they will lead and support 11 public-private pilot projects in the field, with more partnerships still being developed. This partnership aims to attract foreign investments, brilliant life science professionals and international health conventions to improve healthcare for all.
About Lighthouse Life Science Initiative:
Lighthouse Life Science Healthy Weight is an initiative from the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, which aims to ensure growth and welfare in the wake of COVID-19. The partnership behind Lighthouse consists of representatives from, among others, established companies, start-ups, funds, pension companies, regions and municipalities. The partnership model runs until 2030, and the government has initially allocated 82 million DKK to Lighthouse’s work. Further is the co-financing from private actors in the partnership. Copenhagen Life Science has been developed through this initiative.
The project partners:
Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, Center for Clinical Research and Prevention, Copenhagen Capacity, Danish Life Science Cluster, DTU, Erhvervshus Hovedstaden, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Greater Copenhagen, Municipality of Albertslund, Municipality of Ballerup, Municipality of Copenhagen, Municipality of Furesø, Municipality of Gladsaxe, Municipality of Vallensbæk, Netcompany, Novo Nordisk, Novo Nordisk Foundation, PensionDanmark, Rigshospitalet, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Falck Healthcare, The Capital Region of Denmark, The Confederation of Danish Industry, UNION Therapeutics, University College Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen, Wonderful Copenhagen.
For more information read here: https://xn--erhvervsfyrtrnlifescience-nfc.dk/
About Copenhagen Life Science:
Copenhagen Life Science is a collaboration between the public sector, private life science companies and universities in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark – and the capital of life science. Through this innovative partnership, we develop new solutions within the health area to secure better health for everyone and strengthen Danish companies, employment and export. The brand is operated by Copenhagen Capacity, Wonderful Copenhagen and Danish Life Science Cluster.
Read more about Copenhagen Life Science: http://copenhagenlifescience.com/
About Wonderful Copenhagen:
Wonderful Copenhagen is the official tourism organisation and convention bureau of the Capital Region of Denmark, working to promote and develop both business and leisure tourism. The aim of Wonderful Copenhagen is to drive tourism development in a sustainable direction. Working together with hundreds of public and private partners, the organisation’s key focus areas are promoting Copenhagen and attracting new congresses, meetings, events, city tourists, cruise visitors and direct airline routes; as well as developing the destination through innovation, cultural tourism and new markets.