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The GameDev hub in Greater Copenhagen is looking for skilled talent
Across the Greater Copenhagen region, covering the southernmost part of Sweden and the Capital Region of Denmark there are +100 game studios employing +1650 GameDev professionals.
When game studios in Malmö and Copenhagen look for employees domestically, the number of qualified applicants is often too small. That’s why the local studios are now looking for and hiring new team players from all over the world.
Right now, 152 open GameDev jobs are being promoted towards an international target group on the digital talent attraction campaign website. The campaign focuses on the region’s vibrant and upcoming GameDev hub, career opportunities and job openings at local studios, using world-class lifestyle and work-life balance as a unique selling point.
See all job openings and become part of a vibrant and local community of dedicated coding pros enjoying personal freedom and creativity right here.
Meet some of the people from the thriving community and explore the GameDev hub in Greater Copenhagen
For more information about the campaign, please get in touch with Dan Rosenberg, Strategy and Talent Acquisition Lead, email: or phone: 0045 60 85 15 60.
About the organisers of the campaign:
Copenhagen Capacity and Invest in Skåne are the official organisations for investment promotion and business development in Copenhagen and the southernmost part of Sweden; Skåne.