H.Essers chooses Copenhagen for Scandinavian logistics hub
Jan 14, 2019 Leading logistics service provider H.Essers chose Copenhagen for its Scandinavian set-up, owing to Denmark’s flexible labour market and business opportunities in the chemicals, pharmaceuticals and healthcare sectors.H.Essers offers integrated transport and logistics solutions across Europe. Headquartered in Belgium and with a strong presence in Eastern Europe, H.Essers has placed its Scandinavian office in Copenhagen.
Essers chose Copenhagen for its big potential especially in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, biotech and chemicals. We have been active in Denmark since 2008 and steadily expanding ever since, and we believe there are numerous opportunities for high-quality logistics service providers in the market.
AUTH-START- Steven Swennen | Business Development Manager, H.Essers.AUTH-ENDTAG-START-h2Reasons for choosing CopenhagenTAG-END-h2
- Logistics market with a big potential and few competitors.
- Denmark’s large pharmaceutical sector including Medicon Valley offers great opportunities.
- Stable country and economy.
- Flexible labour market rules make it easy to do business.
TAG-START-h3About H.EssersTAG-END-h3
H.Essers offers customised and integrated transport and logistics solutions across Europe. H.Essers is one of the leading companies in Europe within major transport and logistics sectors such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, healthcare and high-quality products. H.Essers is headquartered in Genk, Belgium, and has 880.000 m² of warehouse space, a fleet of 1.250 trucks and 2.700 trailers and 3,900 employees.
TAG-START-h2How can we help you?TAG-END-h2
Located in one of Northern Europe’s most attractive locations for efficient distribution, Greater Copenhagen offers short lead times and a flexible, cost-attractive business environment.
Copenhagen Capacity can assist you to a quick market entry providing free business start-up services such as:
- Land and property search.
- General advice on tax, corporate structuring and employment law.
- Fact-finding trips to meet relevant business partners and service providers.