Cisco expands innovation activities in Greater Copenhagen
Jan 14, 2019 Cisco has entered into an innovation partnership with Greater Copenhagen to test and develop tomorrow's digital infrastructure, the Internet of Everything. Cisco chose Copenhagen because of its green ambitions and unique test facilities.Copenhagen is one of the world’s most progressive cities in terms of setting and achieving ambitious climate targets which has fostered a leading and innovative cleantech environment. As a result, the global digital network giant Cisco chose Copenhagen as one of its Internet of Everything R&D beacons along with cities such as Barcelona, Amsterdam and Chicago.
The partnership agreement includes a number of technological solutions to improve citizen services and to help the city of Copenhagen reach its target of becoming carbon-neutral by 2025. By using Internet of Everything strategies, multiple solutions – existing and radically new ones – will be converged onto one network. Typical solutions addressed by an Internet of Everything Strategy include smart traffic lights, outdoor lighting, sensor-based water defences, parking, mobility services, and smart energy management.
The solutions will be used in smart city projects in the Copenhagen region, in the cities of Copenhagen, Frederikssund and Albertslund. For example, at the DOLL Living Lab in Hersted Industrial Park. Here lighting, intelligent controlling and smart city solutions will be tested in 1:1 test facilities offering a real-life urban environment with 9,2 kilometres of road and pathways as well as testing of indoor mock-ups in settings such as senior housing, hospitals and schools.
TAG-START-h2Reasons for choosing Copenhagen:TAG-END-h2
- Copenhagen offers a perfect setting for a green laboratory. It is a cleantech leader with ambitious climate targets.
- The DOLL Living Lab offers one of Northern Europe’s most advanced 1:1 test facility for lighting solutions and smart city technologies.
- The Copenhagen region invests heavily in smart city technology and sustainable town districts.
- CLEAN – Denmark’s largest cleantech cluster – offers a large network of local authorities, businesses and knowledge institutions in Copenhagen.
TAG-START-h3About CiscoTAG-END-h3
Cisco is the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate and collaborate. Among other things, Cisco develops technologies for tomorrow's digital infrastructure, the Internet of Everything, such as intelligent outdoor lighting, sensor-based traffic lights and flooding defences and smart grid services.
TAG-START-h2How can we help your company?TAG-END-h2
Copenhagen Capacity presented Cisco with a portfolio of smart city projects and concrete business opportunities in Copenhagen as well as facilitated the introduction to political decision-makers and business partners.
If you would like to know more about how we can help, please reach out.