Airfinity opens global centre of excellence in Copenhagen
Jan 14, 2019 Airfinity, maker of the world’s first global platform to monitor scientific conferences, has chosen Copenhagen for its global centre of excellence. The decision is owing to Greater Copenhagen’s strong life science environment, and the fact that Copenhagen is a viable alternative to London if Brexit hits hard.Scientific conferences are the life science industry’s most important channel for knowledge dissemination and networking – but identifying the most rewarding ones can be difficult.
Airfinity systematically monitors life science conferences and combine a wide range of data sources to provide the conference insights which commercial and medical teams need to make the right decisions.
TAG-START-h2Medicon Valley is a leading life science clusterTAG-END-h2Using artificial intelligence and curation, Airfinity’s platform provides an individual overview of the life science conferences providing the highest yield in terms of opportunity to meet leading medical doctors and researchers, learn about new therapy areas, follow competitors, and gain new knowledge as medical research results are usually presented at scientific conferences before being published in a journal.
Greater Copenhagen hosts many life science conferences, which is one of the main reasons why Airfinity has chosen Copenhagen for its global centre of excellence.
“Greater Copenhagen's life science environment, with Medicon Valley as the centre of mass, is in top five and therefore highly relevant to us. The ecosystem has specialised medical advisors and analysts in therapy areas such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, dermatology and neurology, and there is great knowledge of data, safety requirements and market conditions. And in case of a hard Brexit, Copenhagen would be a viable alternative to London where we are headquartered today”AUTH-START- Rasmus Bech Hansen, CEO, AirfinityAUTH-ENDTAG-START-h2Business development from CopenhagenTAG-END-h2
Airfinity’s industry board will also be based in Copenhagen wherefrom the company will develop and commercialise its technology, led by chairman of the board Christian Kanstrup, who is former Senior Vice President of Novo Nordisk.
And with the ambition of becoming an active player of Greater Copenhagen’s life science ecosystem, Airfinity is already talking to several market leading companies as well as foundations, organisations, universities and life science networks in Greater Copenhagen.
“International life science conferences are one of Greater Copenhagen’s strongholds. The conferences attract leading researchers and companies who our local life science industry is very interested in collaborating with”AUTH-START- Anette Steenberg, dDrector of Investment Promotion, Copenhagen CapacityAUTH-ENDTAG-START-h2Local assistance from Copenhagen CapacityTAG-END-h2
In partnership with Copenhagen Financial Hub, Copenhagen Capacity has helped Airfinity getting in contact with investors and made introductions to knowledge and co-working spaces such as Health Tech Hub and COBIS as well as life science network organisations, such as Medicon Valley Alliance, Copenhagen HealthTech Cluster and Healthcare DENMARK.
Copenhagen Capacity has also provided advice on legal matters, accounting and payroll, and introduced Airfinity to Copenhagen Capacity’s database of international specialists and the opportunity to participate in international talent attraction campaigns to hire highly skilled employees.
“Copenhagen Capacity has been very skilled and helpful in introducing us to service providers, who quickly got our company up and running, and they have presented us with new business partners and opportunities to recruit specialists”AUTH-START- Rasmus Bech Hansen, CEO, AirfinityAUTH-END